It's a tolerable 33 degrees tonight! Still chilly, and definitely a cozy stay at home evening. I almost blogged earlier this morning about a fabulous gluten free, vegan pancake breakfast, the pancakes were rich with protein and omegas from hemp seed and flax seed. With coconut oil in place of butter and real grade B, West Virginia maple syrup, oh my, delectable! But alas I did not, next time. This evening I will share with you a fabulous creation called....
Honey's Working on the Ghia, Carrot, Apple and Celery Soup
2 large carrots
1/2 red onion
3 apples peeled,cored, and sliced(I used Fuji, we'll see how it turns out)
6 stalks celery, + a bit of the green tops for garnish
1 tsp minced ginger
3 pieces crystallized ginger, about 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch cubes
1/4 tsp cumin
salt to taste
dash of pepper
1 cube vegetarian bouillon
about 4 cups of water
1/2 Tbs olive oil, optional
In a large soup pot, dissolve the bouillon cube in 4 cups water on medium heat. Add the celery, onion, carrots, fresh and crystallized ginger, salt, cumin and pepper. Let simmer for 10 minutes. Add the apple, let simmer 10 minutes. Blend entire soup in blender or food processor. Place soup back in the pot, and you can add a dash of olive oil if you like. Let simmer 5 more minutes. O.K, soup's on, I've got to holler at Brian in the garage and we shall see how this turned out!
It turned out very good, I do say so myself! Brian was pleased as well, it's so rewarding making up recipes and having them turn out. The bowls and plates (from more chebe bread sticks) were licked clean and as we gathered up the dishes to clean Brian asked me, "What's for dessert?" He's such a little bugger, though it is a good question. Dessert.... we can have left over coconut milk pumpkin pie, ooh so yummy, or make something new. My buddy Misha just started a cooking blog, she's been doing chef stuff for years and her skills far surpass mine. Anyways she made these beautiful apple tart thingys, that I may have to try. There is a beautiful black kitten craving my attention and I must go pet her little back. Ciao!!

This soup looks super yummy. I thought I'd also let you know that I made that apple crisp gluten-free, but posted the original recipe on the site. I used brown rice flour because that's what I had, but I think a gluten-free blend, or maybe quinioa flour, would work nicely. You posted about that great gluten-free baking book earlier and it made we want it bad! much love.
You should totally find that cookbook! I love it, everything we have tried out of it has been a big hit!